TEEClean Automated TEE Probe Cleaner Disinfector is the first product of its kind to be cleared by the US FDA. Designed exclusively for transesophageal echocardiogram ultrasound probes (TEE), TEEClean provides both manufacturers recommended cleaning and high-level disinfection of soiled TEE probes in the same device.
Current methods require manual cleaning to be completed so as to achieve proper high-level disinfection. TEEClean allows the healthcare professional to simply place a bedside cleaned TEE probe into the device, removing the potential of an ineffectively cleaned TEE probe being high-level disinfected.
TEEClean is the first
Automated Ultrasound Reprocessor
cleared by the US FDA
TEEClean provides both a scientifically verified and repeatable method for cleaning soiled TEE probes. Incorporated in TEEClean is TEEZyme®, an enzymatic solution that is injected into the cleaning and disinfection reservoir once a soiled TEE probe has been properly inserted. The TEEClean microprocessor controller then monitors all parameters of the cleaning step to ensure completion prior to high-level disinfection. After cleaning, TEEClean begins the validated and repeatable high-level disinfection process.